
I often think, “It’s not just military wives who go through this.” This being moves, spouse working late or away because of work, or asking the question “What do I do now?” A few weeks ago I got to see an advanced screening of the movie Julie and Julia. It was wonderful! I love that in 2002 Julie Powell read a blog she didn’t like and decided “I could write a blog!” She found her topic, and did it! I love that Julia Child, some 40 years earlier, moved to France with her husband and found she didn’t like the standard women’s outlets of hat making and bridge. “What should I do?” she asked her husband. A gloriously supportive man, as depicted in the movie, he asks what she likes to do. And so it went from there. (I don’t want to ruin the whole movie for you!)
I see connections to me in them – moving, the What do I do now? question, and Hey, I could write a blog! I love that Julie Powell went well over a month without any comments on her blog from people she didn’t know, even typing out the curious blogging question “Is anyone reading this?” I don’t know if anyone I don’t know is reading this blog. There are so many blogs out there! For me, this is a personal experiment and a broadening experience. What do I find myself most compelled to do when my husband isn’t around? Write, with an audience in mind.