A Good Back to School Weekend

There isn’t time for everything. Especially when I’m playing the pseudo-single mom role (I won’t call myself a true single mom, because my husband is in the picture as a huge support, he’s just away.) Amidst soccer games and last minute school supplies, paying mid-month bills in the nick of time, filling out the next bunch of school forms, and learning about all the fundraisers that are starting, I made time for satisfaction, even during the second weekend after the kids started back to school. Between soccer games, I cooked and I baked! I had the gals over on short notice for some late night snacks and chat while the kids slept upstairs! Accepting no arguments, I took the kids to the park for an hour to practice soccer! We counted their piggy banks! It was a very good, very satisfying weekend.

I did give up my shower. And doing my hair, and putting on makeup.  But today, I have out-of-the-house things to get done, so shower and dressed to the shoes is the program! My hair smells like grape as I used up the last of the girls’ conditioner that they can’t get out of the bottle, because I’m still my type of don't-waste-it mom.  But my hair is styled and sleek. Some days make-up is like war paint as I prepare to face the world. Dotted on concealer hides the under-eye circles. Blending in more concealer finishes the job. A little rose on the lips and a little black on the lashes. Now I look adult, and the smell of the grape conditioner is fading under the hairspray. The jeans probably have grass in the cuffs from watching the early morning weekend soccer game. I’ll just shake that out and run a rag across my shoe toes. I’m ready to face the world.

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